The Twelfth of Never

By Will Callery
November 27, 2024

Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You fashioned the earth, before You set the world in motion, from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING, You have been forever and until the TWELFTH Of NEVER² will forever be, Almighty GOD. {Psalm 90:2,1}  <<A Prayer of Moses, The Man of God>> and <<The Sweet Psalmist of Kentucky>>(¹wcv&²)

¶ And for those of us who have been rendered victorious down through the ages by Your Loving Mercy, Your Unwarranted Grace, Your Precious Blood, Your Spirit, and Your Uncontested Power, You have, from the First Adam to Noah, from Noah to Abraham, from Abraham to Moses, from Moses to David {The Man After God’s Own Heart}, from the Man After God’s Own Heart to the Last Adam, and from the Last Adam to the Return of the King of Kings at the End of this Age, You have, in every generation, been the Lodge In The Wilderness for the Wayfaring Stranger passing through. You, O Lord, and You alone are the Dwelling Place of those who seek Your Face. You, O Lord, and You alone are the Secret Place of the Most High from Everlasting until The Twelfth of Never.

Heavy winds are blowing through the nations,

And they pound against these battered hills of time,

Yet He shelters us in Hallowed Hands

While changes crash in thunder bands,

Shaking all that Deadfall from the Trees.


Need not we die in vain up in these hills,

Or fly like shadows blinded by the Light,

But stand instead and Face the Wind,

Let it blow away the sin,

Then we, we might see

The Face of God.


What will you do when arrows fill the sky,

And you hear footsteps of terror in the night.

Why did you wait until so late?

What’s that comin’ thru your gate?

What you did not believe, It’s at your door.


He who dwells in the Secret of the Most High

Shall abide in the Shadow of His Wings.

I will say unto the Lord,

“You are my Refuge from this storm,

My Very Present Help in times of trouble”.


Need not we die in vain up in these hills,

Or fly like shadows blinded by the Light,

But stand instead and Face the Wind,

Let it blow away the sin,

Then we, we might see

The Face of God.    {©Will Callery / The Face Of God / William & Cynthia Pub. ©2012 BMI}

¶ You ride above the lofty throughout the heavens. You come in swift and glorious majesty with irresistible force to defend those that are Yours². So fleet of foot and overwhelming is Your Steed of War that the adversary has not an inkling that his demise is at hand². So thunderous and like the lightning are You in the heat of battle that no enemy can anticipate nor no foe curtail the strategy nor the judgment of the ONE Who Rides Upon the Heavens², “for underneath it all are the Everlasting Arms upon which we lean that never fail to thrust out the enemy from before us”. (Deuteronomy 33:26,27, ¹wcv&²)

¶ Yet in lovingkindness and compassion, there is no one like You Who does display in a most revealing manner, throughout the heavens and the earth, the excellence of Your Wisdom, Justice, Truth, and Love, Majesty, Splendor, Power, and Grace. All of my bones say, “Lord, There ain’t Nobody like You!”  (Deuteronomy 33:26,27,¹wcv&²,  Psalm 35:10,¹wcv&²)

From EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING is my GOD! (Psalm 90:2)

¶ As went the Prophetic Song & Prayer of Moses, the Man of God, <<Psalm XC>>, penned some 3,500 years ago, so goes the Song of the Sweet Psalmist of Kentucky, “The Face of God”, today. From Everlasting to Everlasting, what an honor it is to be able to join forces with some of the Great Cloud of Witnesses Gone On Before Us such as the man named Moses, a Man of God so “Wondered At” On Earth that his legacy lives on today over 3,500 years later. I wonder, are there any Men of God like that on earth today? … then it dawned upon me, I know one, who is indeed a Herald, however, from Everlasting to the Twelfth of Never, they are few and far between.

THE GREAT AWAKENING  ©William & Cynthia Pub. Co. ©2008 BMI


Thank you, Michelangelo, for your Masterpiece, “THE CREATION”

Comments are much appreciated and may be left in the “Comment Box” below

¹wcv / My Emphasis, My Version (Always taken from the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic interpretations, definitions, and connotations)

² / My Insert(s)

Letters From Over Yonder, The Deep Fetch, The Covenant, & Ain’t It So / published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co.©2024 {All Rights Reserved}


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