By Will Callery
February 27, 2023

¶ In this Letter From Oven Yonder, I would like to take a revelatory gaze into the Heart of the Father & the Power of the Holy Spirit, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and His Refining Fire for these Last Days!

So, “Save your theatrics, Sheath your sword, It will be by My Spirit, not yours.” Says the Lord!

¶ By the Spirit of God, by the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit, alone, can we KNOW our calling, our placing, and God’s timing. Only by the Indwelling Spirit, the Holy Spirit, will we KNOW, that though we may be called, it is not yet our chosen Time!  With the Lord, Timing is everything! Many are called but few are chosen! {Matthew 22:14} Moses was called but was not chosen until forty years after his call!  Are you up for that?

I’ve seen it happen, it’s no mystery,

Youth and zeal ain’t no match for age and treachery.

So save your theatrics and sheath your sword,

It will be “By My Spirit”, not yours, says the Lord {Zec. 4:6} ©wc

¶ The battlefields of the Badlands are strewn with the corpses of fatally wounded and dead novices who mistook their own fleshly zeal for the Wisdom of God, and their own charisma, enthusiasm, fervor, and vigor for the Fiery Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many today, if truly ‘chosen’ by the Lord at all, (many are called, but few are chosen), see themselves as God’s gift to mankind. Some are taken down by the first shot as they step out onto the field. Some return spiritually gutted, others return ragged, bloody, and trembling, completely distraught after a terrifying encounter with Satan’s fallen things.

“….and the evil thing answered and said, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are you?’  “And the evil thing leaped upon them and tore them limb from limb as they ran out of that place naked and severely wounded.” {Acts 19:15,16 wcv*}.  Satan has many tactics! If you are called but it is not yet your Time, you can be dis-mantled and your anointing disemboweled in many different ways. There are slews of terror-struck, dismantled ministers turned opportunists who fell back to a safe distance and cowered until the fray was fought only to appear out of no-mans-land claiming the victory gained by others as their own. Seeking, not the Will of God, but a new opportunity, they brandish a feigned fire known in the Word of God as strangefire. Promoting themselves, for a handsome fee, they offer to minister, not to those pressed down under the thumbs of these emperors, monarchs, dames, and tycoons, but on behalf of these emperors, monarchs, dames, and tycoons, that rule these Badlands. These are the heady, high-minded patronizers who you will find forever sniffing around the high-end neighborhoods of Christendom for the loftier high-dollar titles and positions. They are known by the Lord as Ministers of the Harlot Church.  Hirelings! (John 10,12,13)  Some even write books on Strangefire, alluding to the idea that the Holy Spirit is (please forgive me) some sort of goofball. Completely unaware of the fact that they are unknowingly navigating a spiritual minefield, headlong they rush in a violent stumble, trampling the Blood of the Lamb in their race to grasp the fame, fortune, and self-righteous image of “The Big Man of God” dangled before them by the deceiving desires of their own FLESH; PRIDE, kindling not one thought of how their foolishness will end. Riding high on arrogant flippancy they become titleholders of perdition; Badland Bishops, subjects of the Great Whore of Mystery Babylon. Hirelings, and self-promoting False Prophets. Burning with desire for fame and fortune, they hustle up mysteries, and concoct doctrines of demons and doctrines of men for filthy lucre and notoriety, while, all the while, hustling worthless fire insurance to the choir. (1Timothy 4:1, 1Peter 5:2-4, Titus 1:11,12,)

¶ The Badlands are becoming such a twisted piece of real estate that it will take God’s very Elect to sort it out. Knowing that the Days are about to be cut short this Elect will spend these Last Days walking by Faith in the Spirit, fasting, praying, and seeking God’s Face while working their way through the wheat and the tares, and because they will not fear for their lives, the overflowing, supernatural Power of God, the Holy Spirit, will be flowing into and out of them. Just as Jesus was the Outshining of the Father so will these be the Outshining of Jesus, and, like Jesus, they will not “…seek out for themselves a great reputation. (Phillippians 2:7)  Through these, a Great Light shall shine forth into the lower regions of the Valley of the Shadow of Death illuminating the Old Path, showing as many as possible the only way out of the Badlands and into the Glorious Foothills of Victory. {Isaiah 9:2 wcv}.  Nothing shall be able to withstand them for the Gifts of the Spirit, and the Innermost Being of God shall ABIDE in them. They will not be self-promoting men and women of God displaying their acquired talents and gifts to the world to be ooohed and awed over, no, they will simply be fiery, yet even-tempered vessels who have set their own will aside clearing the way for the Will, the Power (Spirit), and the Love of the Father to flow through them. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on me, these works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” {John 14:12}  (Chew on that for a while) –  Without the Perfect Will of the Father and the Power of the Holy Spirit working in us, we are nothing more than religious clowns in the eyes of the lost and a deep sigh in the Eyes of the Lord. We are not called to be glory-hounds, superstars, and cutie-pies, neither are we commissioned to just live in the natural and sing in the choir!  We are called to be Baptized in Fire! His Fire! Not ours!

Your sons and your daughters, they shall prophesy,

Your old men, they will dream, dreams.

Your young men, they will see visions

In These Last Days,

These Last Days.


Do you really desire to be baptized in Fire?

Do you long for the Heart of the Father?

Is the Refiners Fire no more than a song?

Is this fiery ordeal just for others?

Will you be straightened until you are honest?

Will you wait for Me down in the Valley of Descision?

Will you lay down your life, will you take up your Cross,

Will you drink from this Cup of Affliction?

Do you really desire to be Baptized in Fire

Or do you just want to – Sing in the choir?

Don’t you know we need to be

Baptized in Fire!


Oh preacher, come stand within My gates

Remove those filthy manmade clothes

Son, you smell like a dead man’s grave.

And I will clothe you in the Righteousness of My glory

For These Last Days,

These Last Days.


You will pass through deep waters and the hottest of fires,

Your mettle, it will be tested along with your desires,

And that Red Badge of Courage, it may flow from your veins

In These Last Days,

These Last Days.


Do you really desire to be Baptized in Fire?

Do you long for the Heart of the Father?

Is the Refiners Fire no more than a song?

Is this fiery ordeal just for others?

Will you be straightened until you are honest?

Will you wait for Me down in the Valley of Descision?

Will you lay down your life, will you take up your Cross,

Will you drink from this Cup of Affliction?

Do you really desire to be Baptized in Fire,

Or do you just want to – Sing in the choir?

Don’t you know we need to be

Baptized in Fire! 

{“These Last Days” ©2008 by Will Callery – based on Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, Luke 3:16, Zechariah chpt. 3, Luke 9:23, Mark 14:17, Hebrews 11:25}


Of A Truth: The Holy Spirit is the innermost Being of the Father. The innermost Being of God Almighty came to earth and became one of us. In Him, the fullness of the Godhead dwelt. The innermost Being of God Almighty became a man and walked amongst us in the body of a fella Named Jesus Christ. He came to earth through the miracle of a virgin birth. He was the Body in which the Spirit of God dwelt. Jesus Christ was the innermost Being of the Father, the embodiment, if you will, of the Father on earth. 

¶ The blood of a child comes from its father. The Blood of Jesus was not human blood, it was from His Father, not a man. It was and is Divine Blood!

¶ Now please bear with me as I walk this log here. You can deny that Blood, you can even take the Name in vain of the One Who shed that Blood for our sins. Even though He is the Greatest Gift that God the Father could give to mankind, still, you can mock Him, curse Him, and deny Him. You can even take the Name of God the Father in vain. All of this and any other sin the filthy, moronic mind of mankind can conjure up can be forgiven, except for two. The first is BLASPHEMY AGAINST the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the innermost Being of the Father’s Love, Kindness, Longsuffering, Mercy, Grace, Majesty, Splendour, Beauty, Might, Power, Holiness, and Judgment. He is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. He is our Guide, our Teacher, our Comforter, and the Revealer of the Mysteries of God to mankind! He has a LANGUAGE all of His Own. He takes us far beyond our own understanding! Yes, He gives us a Powerful Heavenly Language Satan cannot understand. The Holy Spirit is the innermost Being of the Father! This is all a bit hard for our finite minds to get a handle on unless, of course, we invite HIM in. Who would not want the innermost Being of Almighty God to come and dwell within them? Who, in all of Christendom would not want one of the Gifts of the Spirit engineered by the Father Himself? Who, on all of God’s green earth would not want a Powerful Heavenly Language engineered by the Father Himself, that only, you, your brothers and sisters in Christ, and the Lord could understand? To “Mock” the Holy Spirit, or to say that the Holy Spirit is of the evil one is to BLASPHEME the HOLY SPIRIT.

¶ This is what the Word of God says about the Holy Spirit: “…All manner of sin, no matter how filthy or heinous, …shall be forgiven…however, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin. It will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come. {Matthew 12:31,32 wcv} If you are guilty of this, then you are in a BAD PLACE.

¶ The second unforgivable sin is a seared conscience, a reprobate mind. “Speaking lies in hypocrisy their consciences have been seared with the hot iron of Satan… and they, with feigned words, will make merchandise of you, and though their judgment has lingered for a long time, their damnation will not sleep forever. These sins unto death? Do not pray for them.” {1Timothy 4:2, 2 Peter 2:3, 1 John 5:16 wcv} 

Of A Truth: In order to work this twisted piece of real estate, these Brimstone Badlands, we need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire. We need the Innermost Being of Almighty God. The HOLY SPIRIT! The Holy Spirit is the only ONE that can give us a clear understanding of exactly who is who – and this comes by one of HIS Revelatory GiftS, the DISCERNING of SPIRITS. “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” {1 John 4:1} You cannot “Try” the spirits unless you have the “Gifts of the Spirit”  Welcome to the BADLANDS!

THE OUTSHINING ©Will Callery / ©William & Cynthia Pub. Co, © 2008BMI


{Featured Painting (Artwork) “The Old Man & the Doves” by Lucian Opriceanu of Romania. Thank you, Lucian, for such a captivating portrayal of Love & Compassion.}

Five wonderful books that clearly explain the Indwelling Spirit & The Gifts of the Spirit are,

  • The Gifts and Ministries of the HOLY SPIRIT by Lester Sumrall, Whitaker House Publishing,
  • The Adventures of an Outlaw in the Kingdom of God by “Road Scholar”, William Woodard Callery, Author & Multiplatinum Singer-Songwriter, William & Cynthia Pub. Co. – – is an exciting testimony of Divine Intervention by the Holy Spirit. To check it out, click on this link: Home
  • The Indwelling Spirit by Andrew Murray – There is no book that has ever been written that gives a more clear picture of the Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life of the Believer.
  • And yet there is another book, as important as all of the above, entitled “COVENANT – Its Blessings – Its Curses”  by Bob Phillips, David Wilkerson’s long-time Senior Pastor. David Wilkerson wrote the “Forward” – there is no book that gives a more clear picture of our relationship to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and His Great Love for us.

Comments are much appreciated and may be left in the “Comment Box” below

¹wcv / My Emphasis, My Version (Always taken from the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic interpretations, definitions, and connotations)

² / My Insert(s)

Letters From Over Yonder, The Deep Fetch, The Covenant, & Ain’t It So / published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co.©2024 {All Rights Reserved}




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