Psalm XIX {Book I}, The Deep Fetch

By Will Callery
July 29, 2022

¶ There is not one of God’s heavenly configurations, colossal constellations, or earthly elements, in form or figure, that does not speak of a celestial design so far beyond the comprehension of man that It takes a mind, either perverted by pride or numbed by stupidity, to deny the fact that we are living in the very midst of a most Divine CREATION.

¶ Creation, the handywork of God, has, down thru the ages, without saying a word, spoken to all mankind, not only of the goodness of God but of a display of an omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence so boundless and an artistry so magnificently masterful that it leaves the greatest minds of men in divers states of awe and wondrous bewilderments. Some fall to their knees in adoration of the Creator and worship Him forever. Some, to relieve themselves of all accountability, worship His handywork instead of Him, while others, either numbed by stupidity or perverted by pride, deny it all and worship themselves.

¶ Nonetheless, the most transcendental Singer Psalmwriter and Mystic Poet of the ages, though he lived in the realm of the natural, transcended the natural, the moral, and the religious, into what was truly Holy, and was consequently endorsed by the Lord Himself as “A Man After God’s Own Heart”. Thus David, by the Spirit of God, thought it more than sinful not to pen a song that would give all the honor, and glory to the Author; The author of what?  Why, the Author of Creation.

¶ I am astounded at the endless volumes of revelation knowledge contained in the fourteen verses of Psalm XIX.  For, according to the Old Expounders and Ancient Expositeers, Three separate Books are embodied there within these 14 verses.

¶ The Man After God’s Own Heart truly was a Seer who transcended the natural, the religious, and the moral, into the revelation knowledge of the Holy. David was, indeed, a Mystic and a Prophet and what he wrote, if delved into, is indeed, A Deep Fetch.


Psalm XIX.


<<To the Chief Musician, A Psalm or David>>


1 The heavens declare the glory of God. His infinite expanse displays design after stellar design of His inexhaustible artistry and power.



2 Day after day IT SPEAKS, night after night IT TEACHES the knowledge of God.



3 They (the heavens; its planets, constellations and luminaries) speak their own language yet they make not a sound, still, there is nowhere in the great expanses of the heavens above nor any neck-a-the-woods upon the earth below where their voices are not heard.



4 Their music goes out throughout all the earth, and their lyrics to the ends of the world. Within them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,



5 Who shines like the Lord coming out of his chamber, rejoicing like a strong man to run his course



6 From one end of the heavens to the other until His daily circuit is fulfilled: And there is nothing that can hide from the warmth of His Heart, for His brightness does, indeed, reveal what is true, and right, and holy (and what ain’t²).  (He is, indeed, the Sun of Righteousness)



7 Oh yes, the Law of the Lord, the Word of God, is perfect, converting the soul: The Testimony  of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.



8 The Statutes (ordinances & commands) of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: The Commandments of the Lord are pure, enlightening the eyes.



9 The Fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever: The Judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.



10 More to be desired are these than gold, yes, even more than coffers full of a king’s fine gold: Sweeter to the soul are they than honey to the taste.



11 Moreover, by them I do glean the enlightenment of the Lord: And in keeping them do I garner good results and great reward.




12 Errors! Who can understand his own errors. From hidden ones, O Lord, deliver me.



13 O LORD, (by Your Spirit), Keep me back and remove me far from the arrogance, pretentions, and presumptions that do, at times, seem to so easily beset me. Let them not rule over me. Then shall I be upright and have no part in the great rebellion against You! Keep me innocent of the great transgression.



14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be a pleasing thing before you, O LORD, my Rock, my Strength, and my Redeemer.  (vs. 1-14, wcv +)


¶ There, my friend, you have the Rough Old Psalmist of Kentucky interpreting the Sweet Psalmist of Israel (2 Samuel 23:1)

¶ Within the fourteen verses of Psalm XIX, David’s Ode to the Creator of the heavens and the earth, are lodged Three Books.


¶ The 1st Book is the Book in which we live. It is quite well known by the Ancient Expositeers as the Book of Creatures, Creation, and Nature.  It was written out of “What We Cannot See” by the finger of God, and spoken into “What We Can See” by the Breath of God. (Hebrews 11:3)  It compasses us about with the visible majesty, splendor, and phenomenal glory of God’s “handywork” all the days of our lives.  Because of “IT”, “All men are without an excuse.” (Romans 1:20,21) We live in the midst of “IT” and we are, as it happens, the most amazing part of “IT”, being “created in God’s own Image and likeness”. (Genesis 1:27) We live neath the Arch of Heaven upon the Circle of the Earth, in the Realm of the Natural., However, depending on our walk with the Lord, we who are Born Again of His Spirit, like David, are given the ability to transcend the natural.  The first six verses of David’s beautiful Psalm give us a most resplendent description of the framework, timbre, and fabric of Creation spoken into existence by the Master Builder Himself out of ethereal essences we cannot yet see. If ten thousand times ten thousand authors wrote of it, “I suppose the earth itself could not contain the books.” (John 21:25)

¶ Rendered incapable of description and disarmed of all elementary comments by the colossal magnitude of the Master Builder’s artistry, I can do little more than fall to my knees in awe and lift up my hands in praise, thanksgiving, and worship. Because of “ITS” colossal magnitude, all portrayal of what God has done evades me, and all characterization fails me. I can think of no better picture or portrayal of the 1st Book, The Book of Creation, contained within the first six verses of Psalm XIX, than what is found hidden in Genesis and Job in the fathomless depths of the 2nd Book.  So please pardon me for a minute while I gather my senses that I might venture back into the age when “the earth was without form and void, back when darkness covered the face of the deep. Oh, how the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”  My Lord and my God, what a sight it was to see “LIGHT SPRING FORTH” from the Hands of the Lord throughout the vast void of that high frontier as the “Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep” – and then watch Him “divide the Light from the darkness”. Why, “He called the Light”, which sprang out of His hands, “Day”, “and the darkness he called Night”, and this He did even before He set His great luminaries in place, you know, the sun, the moon, and the stars, His traveling preachers that say not a word yet preach day and night forever moving about the heavens in perfect array.  When the Lord said, “Let there be Light”, why, “IT” issued forth out of His Hands! “He is”, indeed, “the Light of the World“. Then He said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place, and behold, dry land appeared. He called the dry land Earth, and the gathering of the waters beneath the heavens He called Seas. He then commanded that the Earth should bring forth grass, and the tender shoots of herbs, timber, and fruit-bearing trees of all sorts. And then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night. Let them be for signs, for seasons, for days, and for years to give light upon the Earth’, after which He created two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night”, then by His great Power He hung the stars on nothing and named them all. (Genesis, chapter 1, ¹wcv & ²)

¶ Following all of this, He then commanded the seas to bear forth living creatures after their kind. He then created the birds of the air to adorn the sky, and the Earth beneath to beget cattle, creeping things, and all the beasts of the earth; all of this after their own kind.  (Genesis, chapter 1, ¹wcv & ²)

¶ Then it happened! “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…and give him dominion over all of this’.”

“So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created us; male and female He created us.”

Then God BLESSED US, and said, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth. (Genesis, chapter 1, ¹wcv & ²)


¶ My goodness, my Lord, what would it have been like had we not fallen?

Fallen? Yes, Fallen!

¶ For in one blatant act of disobedience, like Lucifer, who like lightning fell through the heavens to the earth, mankind fell away from the Goodness of God.


¶ To continue this chronicle of the Goodness of God concerning the breadth and the depth of David’s 14 verses of Psalm XIX,  I must now reach Deep down into the Book of Job to Fetch out of Chapter 38 a narrative, spoken by the Lord Himself, describing Creation after the Fall of Man. After the Great Transgression.

¶ What the Lord is speaking here, to Job, He is also speaking, this very hour, to all mankind, especially those, like Job’s “friends”, who say they are His, but who are doing nothing more than “piddling around with religion” and “holding theatre in the Outer Court”. His desire is to bring us all into a most sincere and becoming temper (the Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Fire with the EVIDENCE) without which we can receive no True Revelation Knowledge. Without “IT”, it is impossible to enter into the Realm of the Spirit of God. Without “IT” we can only possess a Reasonable Facsimile, a fleshly Counterfiet made by man! FALSE HOPE!

And so, let’s fetch up Job, chapter 38, wherein lies a very interesting account of CREATION concerning the “Testing of Job”, “Job’s Friends” (the Harlot Church), and may even be applied to the “Heatherns” of today – All in the Lord’s own narrative.

The Book of Job, Chapter 38


Just as the Lord spoke to Job, He is saying to all of mankind today,


3 “Muster up some courage son, gird up your britches and stand up and face Me like a man!”  (v. 3, wcv +) For I have some questions for you!


2 “Who are all of these vain philosophers and professors down there on the earth today, chairing your so called Institutions of Higher Learning who refute My Word? Who do, with cunning and feigned intelligence (AI), take great pleasure in darkening the minds of others with their own arrogant ignorance and stupidity” – “And who are these “other wise men making merchandise of My people by Holding Theatre in the Outer Court in My Name?” “Answer ME.” (v. 2, ¹wcv + ²)


4, 5,6  “Where were you, wise men and professors, when I laid the foundations of the earth? Did you appoint the dimensions and proportions of its immense structure. Who were the surveyors who measured out the lines thereof? Upon what are the great foundations of the earth fastened? Tell me, Who laid its Cornerstone” “Answer ME, man!” (vs. 4-6)


7 Where were you, Oh great and knowledgeable man, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God rejoiced aloft, shouting with joy when the Cornerstone was laid? (v. 7, ¹wcv + ²)






8, 9, 10, 11  Where were you when the seas separated from the dry land, issuing forth as an infant from the womb?  Where were you when the clouds that first hovered over the ocean and the unknown shores which surrounded it were formed, as it were, into swaddling bands as if they were a garment, ‘as if the great seas were but as a little babe in the hands of God.’?  WHERE WERE YOU???  Where were you when I appointed the vast hollows of the earth unto their place and confined the seas to them? And though the great seas are vehemently tossed by tempestuous winds, and My tides roll their mountainous waves as billows to the shore, as if they were about to cover the earth again, is it not at My command alone that the storm subsides, and the tide rolls back? Where were you when I loosed its most furious elements, then dealt with them as easily as with an infant, not so much by the barrier of the shores, as by THE VIRTUE OF MY INEXPLICABLE PROPERTY which you call GRAVITY. And tell Me man, what is GRAVITY made of? Answer Me, man! Where were you? (Scott/ Callery, ¹wcv & ²)


12 Tell Me, man, does the dawning of a new day depend on your command? Are you in charge of the Dayspring from on High?


13, 14  Is it you that spread the morning light from one end of the earth to the other, shooing the darkness from the face of the earth, while shaking the wicked out of their covert haunts?  Is it you changing the earth in its appearance and demeanor, from the lingering shadows of the night into the light of day? Do you adorn the earth with darkness and with light, as a garment?


15 Have you withheld the Light of the Living from the wicked, have you disarmed them?


16 Have you strolled thru the fathomless depths of the sea, or visited the deepest, darkest caverns of the earth?


17 Have you looked into the bowels of the earth at the dead?  Did the Gates of Hell open at your command? Have you walked thru the bowels of hell and commanded Death to open up his great iron gates and let you out?


18 Have you traversed the circumference of the earth? Can you tell Me of her lands, her climates, and her creatures?


19 Tell me, professor, can you explain to Me the origin of Light? Can you tell Me why the darkness must take flight? Can you take Me to its most distant haunts where the darkness rests, you know, light years beyond the farthest star?


20, 21  Can you take Me to the boundaries where the Light begins and the darkness ends, for you know the path, don’t you? You teach from the pulpit that you do! May I see the different houses in which the light and the darkness dwell? Can you take me beyond the regions of fiction? Surely you know all these things, for you certainly speak as though you do!


22, 23 Tell me about the massive emporiums where my inexhaustible treasuries of snow and hail are stored for Day of Vengeance.


28, 29  Tell me, does the rain have a father, and who is it that has begotten the drops of dew?  Out of whose womb came the ice?; and the hoary frost of heaven, who gave birth to that?


31 Can you bind the sweet influences of Pleiades (can you stop the Spring of the Year from blooming into summer?), or loose the icy cords of Orion (can you thaw the icy hold of winter and stop death dead in his tracks?)


32 Can you bring forth Mazzaroth (the 12 constellations of the Zodiac) according to the seasons? Is it you that guides Arcturus with his sons? (Is it by your great power that the constellations appear as signs in the southern and the northern hemispheres?)


35, 37, Can you send a lightning strike upon and errand, number the clouds, or pour out the bottles of heaven in which the rains are kept?


39:27 Does the eagle mount up at your command? (Tell me Man, just who is it that you think you are?) (Job 38:2-37, 39:27, ¹wcv & ²)

Thus, out of the 2nd Book we have two accounts of CREATION, an account written out of “What We Cannot See” by the finger of God, and spoken into “What We Can See” by the Breath of God. (Hebrews 11:3)  We actually live in the very midst of “IT”.  It compasses us about all the days of our lives with the splendor, and phenomenal glory of God’s “handywork” . CREATION!!! (Genesis, Chapter 1)  Because of “IT”, “All men are without an excuse.” (Romans 1:20,21)  In Job, Chapter 38, we have a spoken account, a narrative from the mouth of the Lord Himself, both accounts portraying the 1st Book, The Book In Which We Live; The Book of Creatures, Creation, and Nature taking us far beyond any picture I might have painted, and still, we’ve only touched the tip of the magnitude of the Master Builder’s artistry and power.

Oh yes,

1 The heavens declare the glory of God. His infinite expanse displays design after stellar design of His inexhaustible artistry and power.



2 Day after day IT SPEAKS, night after night IT TEACHES the knowledge of God.



3 They speak their own language yet they make not a sound, still, there is nowhere in the great expanses of the heavens above nor any neck-a-the-woods on the earth below where their voices are not heard.



4 Their music goes out throughout all the earth, and their lyrics to the ends of the world. Beneath them, He has set a tabernacle for the sun,



5 Who shines like the Lord coming out of his chamber, rejoicing like a strong man to run his course



6 From one end of the heavens to the other until His circuit is fulfilled: And there is nothing that can hide from the warmth of His Heart, for His brightness does, indeed, reveal what is true, and right, and holy (and what ain’t). (He is, indeed, the Sun of Righteousness²)  (vs.1-6 ¹wcv & ²)


Which brings us to a Summary of the first six verses of Psalm XIX known by the Old Expounders and Ancient Expositeers as The 1st Book of Psalm XIX, The Book of Creatures, Creation, and Nature; The Book In Which We Live.

To SUMMARISE,  in my redundance, I must reiterate,

There is no part of God’s great configurations, constellations, or earthly elements, in form or figure, that does not speak of a celestial design so far beyond the comprehension of man that It takes a mind, either perverted by pride or numbed by stupidity, to deny the fact that we are living in the very midst of a most Divine CREATION.

For the invisible things of the Lord from the creation of the world can be clearly seen and easily understood by the things that are made, they clearly show forth His eternal power and Godhead;  we are all without an excuse. (Romans 1:20, ¹wcv & ² )

THE OUTSHINING by Will Callery ©William & Cynthia Pub. Co. ©2008 BMI



Will Callery’s FB Page

Letters From Over Yonder, The Deep Fetch, & The Covenant are published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co.©2023

{All Rights Reserved}

¹wcv / My Emphasis/Version  (always taken from the Greek, Aramaic, Arabic, and Hebrew translations, definitions, & connotations)

² / My Insert(s)


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