A Very Ardent Autumn to All ♥ Letters From Over Yonder

By Will Callery
October 19, 2024

¶ Symbolically speaking, November signals the final stages of life. In this neck of the woods, our lush Summer is about to bid us adieu with a grand finale of beauty entitled The Fall of the Year in which she will miraculously magnify the fiery brilliance of her Born Again Soul with majesty and splendor unspeakable by blessing us with a season of colors and hues beyond description before graciously yielding to the harbingers of winter – reminding us that even though, as her last leaf finally falls from the grandiloquent heights of its lofty spire, and even those that have given up the ghost, yet in stubborn faithfulness cling to the Branch with all their might, they will, like all the others, be broken loose and driven from their once aery crown of grandeur to the bleak and barren ground of humility below by the stiff and rakish winds of winter – and though we must all give-way to the harbingers of winter, those who are truly His will not lose their Mantle of Beauty. Why?  Because God’s Oaks of Righteousness and His Sweet Sugar Maples have been Ordained of Old by the Ancient of Days Himself to endure the harsh and humbling austerity of fierce winter winds only to return with all the striking royalty, majesty, splendor, and Power our hearts and minds can handle with a moving Resurrection of Life in the Spring of the Year. What a magnificent way to say to The Godly Kind, “Don’t lose heart, I’ll see you in The Spring-a-the-Year, and ultimately, in the Resurrection of the righteous in that City not made by man.” 

God bless you, One & All.


Will Callery

Artwork; A wonderful Painting by Juan Brufal.

Thank you, Juan Brufal for such a breathtaking portrayal of the Mystery of the Changing of the Seasons.

Comments are much appreciated and may be left in the “Comment Box” below

¹wcv / My Emphasis, My Version (Always taken from the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic interpretations, definitions, and connotations)

² / My Insert(s)

Letters From Over Yonder, The Deep Fetch, The Covenant, & Ain’t It So / published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co.©2024 {All Rights Reserved}


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