<<To the Chief Musician, A Psalm of David>>
1 In the Lord I put my trust; How can you say to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?
¶ David, pack it up and fly like a bird to your covert haunts in the mountains. They are not only out in the open field, they are stealing thru the shadows of the forest, some say there are even a few in your inner circle. Saul is insanely obsessed with your death and closing in. He is insane. He is completely overtaken by evil. He is a madman with an army of myrmidons; bloodthirsty mercenaries of war along with hoodlums, thugs, goons, and Doegs by the dozens! David, Fly as a bird to your mountain!
2 Lo, the bow of the wicked is bent, David, the arrow is upon the string, that from some close and shadowed haunt² they should pierce your upright heart.
¶ David, there are snipers within striking distance! David’s reply?
3 If the (godly²) foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
¶ The very foundations of law, justice, and morality were destroyed under Saul’s wicked rule, and here he was, a dethroned king, Saul, the madman, flying up in the Face of God by relentlessly pursuing with an army of godless myrmidons, David, the future king of Israel anointed years before by the prophet, Samuel himself.
¶ David’s reasoning is this:
When prayer engages the Power of God to move on our behalf and faith secures the promises of God, which according to His Covenant Word, God must fulfill – Why take flight? If Law, justice, and morality are to be restored, must it not start right here, right now?
David then goes on to write in verse 4,
4 The Lord is in His holy temple, He is on the throne in heaven; His eyes behold (all of this²), His eyelids test (all²) the sons of men.
¶ David was certainly being put to the test. Is God on the throne or not? Is God omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient or not? Was David anointed king by Samuel or not?
O yes,
5 The Lord continually puts the righteous to the test, but the wicked ones who love violence His Soul hates.
¶ What the Lord will do with those who love violence, they will not see it coming. For them, there will be no test or warning.
6 For upon them He will rain snares, fire, brimstone, and tempests of horror, and the spirit of terrors²; this shall be the cup out of which they will be made to drink. (Revelation 29:10,14,15, 21:8)
¶ Sooner or later, usually not overnight, but always, the wicked are caught in their own snares, however, due to the great longsuffering, mercy, and love of God, these terrifying snares may not come upon them until they are in their latter years or even their final hours. For those who remain obstinate in their wickedness to the end, there’s more; in the age to come, they will dwell for all eternity with tempests of horror and spirits of terror. The very judgments they thumb their noses at, deem ridiculous, mock, scorn, and jest about here on earth will be their final estate for all eternity. (Revelation 29:10,14,15, 21:8)
7 For the LORD is righteous, He loves righteousness, His countenance will forever uphold the upright. (vs. 1-7, ¹ wcv)
¶ Almighty God is, within Himself, the very Essence of Righteousness, Who cannot but love His own resemblance when wrought in the faithful on earth by His Own Good Spirit. With a countenance full of Fatherly affection, even in the midst of our sorrows and joys, trials and gratifications, tribulations and victories, He UPHOLDS us and speaks peace, comfort, and victory to us until the day we are admitted, through His mercy, into that GREAT GLORY from which His justice must exclude the wicked. Finally, WE WILL BEHOLD HIM who BEHELD US and BEHOLD forever, face to face, that All-Powerful, Fatherly countenance which has, throughout our lives, UPHELD us. (George Horne & Will Callery)
THE GODLY KIND Will Callery ©William & Cynthia Pub. Co. ©2023
¶ “…If we allow the Foundation of this Great Nation², the United States of America², this “One Nation Under God”², to be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm XI:III, ¹wcv&²)
¹ wcv / My Emphasis/Version (always taken from the Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and Arabic definitions, translations, and connotations)
² / My insert(s)
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©Letters From Over Yonder & ©The Deep Fetch are published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co. (All Rights Reserved)©2025