By Will Callery
November 12, 2024

                                                                     ♥ INTERCESSION ♥


¶ Consider Jamestown, May 14th, 1607. Consider the Berkeley Hundred, December 4th, 1619. Consider Plymouth Rock, December 22nd, 1620. Consider the Revolutionary War, April 19th, 1775 to September 3rd, 1783. Consider the Civil War, April 12th, 1861 to April 9th, 1865. Consider the wars that have followed. Some of us know them well.

¶ Then consider the Black Swan that did, In the Beginning, rise up on an ill wind out of Eden bringing into the Theatres of the Ages of Man, confusion, chaos, the most filthy of perversions, greed, wars, and rumors of war all wrapped up in the Lust Of the Eyes, the Lust Of The Flesh, and The Pride Of Life neatly packaged in Pandora’s Pretty Little Box labeled, The Pursuit of Happiness, as opposed to the PURSUIT OF GOD, Who just so happens to be the ONE Who has brought us victoriously through all of the above to where we are today. Why?  Because, down through the Ages there has always been a Bright Cloud of Witnesses who Faithfully Petitioned Heaven bringing their Strong Causes before the Lord!  (Isaiah 41:21, 43:13)

¶ Now, consider the fact that the Black Swan has once again, In These Last Days, appeared in-force to overshadow and replace the Eagle with a Vulture that it might bring our Great Nation down into servitude under the Shadow of the Deadly Curse of the [sic] Obamanation of Desolation; the Thumb of the One World Order.

¶ Then consider the Bright Cloud of Witnesses who, throughout the Ages, have never been counted by the world as more than a small, insignificant, Remnant of curious people who Live by Faith. And even though they lived their lives throughout the Ages neath the Shadow of the Black Swan they did indeed Abide in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High, thus RECEIVING the Blessings of an Open Heaven which could not be controlled, misconstrued, dampened, dimmed, or even interfered with by the Shadow of the Black Swan, and because they interceded relentlessly in their great labors of Love; prayer, worship, and thanksgiving, their Great Strength of Righteousness did always rise-up and scatter their enemy. Because of the Fruit Of Their Labor today, this entire present, evil world, like it or not, has just witnessed such a VICTORY in this here United States of America! In what seemed to be but two shakes of a lamb’s tail, ALMIGHTY GOD did, for this whole, wide, present, evil world to see, extinguish the fiery arrows of the wicked, break the longbow of the hard steel rule of tyrants, shatter the traitor’s (insurrectionists) shields of cozenage, splinter their swords asunder, confound “the Devil in the Big House”, and bring-to-task the scallywags and charlatans living high-on-the-hog off the sweat-of-the-brow of the common working man, not to mention confusing the despots, mercenaries, and myrmidons of the Evil One who thought they had this nation dead to rights. The Lord, with the whole world watching, has just handed us the whatwithall to quell the coup, all because the Faithful Remnant who Abides in the SECRET PLACE of the Most-High has been relentlessly bringing their Strong Causes into the Throne Room of the Father, crying,  “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Let those that hate Him vanish before us “. (Psalm 68:1, Isaiah 41:21, 43:13)   

¶ There are 76 Days between Election Day and Inauguration Day. We have 76 Days of Danger to pray through before we begin cleaning house. Religious Culture, a Bring-It-On-Attitude, Honky Tonk Patriotism, 16th Avenue Christianity, and Bad Boy Vengeance will not do the job, however, Prayer will!  For, uncontestably so, PRAYER, when properly applied, is the most Powerful Weapon on the Planet!!! The entire world has just witnessed this, in real-time!  Whether they acknowledge IT  as the mighty moving of the Hand of God or not is neither here nor there, IT HAPPENED!  Still, we are AT WAR as NEVER BEFORE. Though our Beloved Country has just received a seemingly overnight deliverance out of the clutches of the [sic] Obamanation of Desolation, we are still smack-dab-in-the-midst of the Final Collision of Good and Evil!

He rose up on and ill wind out of Eden,

His precious stones diffusing every ray.

Rising like a Phoenix from the ashes,

Bringing us to where we are today


He’s been around since long before the Fall

In the Mountain of God’s Fiery Stones.

Deceiver of Mankind in The Garden,

Don’t you dare trust him with your soul.


Black Swan Rising 

Out of the shadows of The Fall,

The Shadow of the Black Swan,

That’s what’s troubling us all.

Black Swan Rising

High above the circle of the earth,

The Shadow of the Black Swan,

That’s the Shadow of the Curse.


She (America) sank into the night, it was Titanic,

Dividing soul and spirit long ago.

Stealing thru the shadows like a phantom,

Yearning for a fix, she sold her soul.


Taken by a flood of fancy fables,

Now she dances with the satyrs, like Jezebel,

While the blood of her children cry for vengeance,

Lord, send these Godless devils straight to hell.


Black Swan Rising….


Come out from among them while you’re able.

Do not mingle with them, they are dead,

And do not go a whorin’ with Delilah,

She’ll cut your locks and hang them on her bed.


You’ll find yourself shackled, chained, and blind

On the alter in Satan’s Banquet Hall

Crying to the God of All Creation

For the Strength to get back where you belong.           {©Black Swan Rising / ©Will Callery, ©BMI 2024}

¶ The Godless plans of the self-proclaimed blackhearted rulers of this world have indeed been shaken. Many of those who boasted in the taking down of America, if we are faithful, are about to see the Hand of God’s Destroying Angel cast them into a Dead Sleep to awake no more in this world. If we are FAITHFUL in Prayer and Supplication they will indeed awake to find themselves plundered by the very ONE they came to plunder. (Callery/Scott)

which brings us to Psalm 76.


                                                             PSALM LXXVI


<<To the Chief Musician of Stringed Instruments, A PSALM, A Song of Asaph.>>


1.  In Juda God was renown: The Majesty of His Name was far above Nobility in Israel.


In Salem {Jerusalem} He did “Rest”, dwelling in the Mountain of His Holiness, (then known as) Zion.


3  It was There (for them) that He extinguished the fiery arrows of the enemy, it was There that He snapped the longbow of the steel of tyrants, it was There that he shattered the enemies shields of cozenage, and broke their swords asunder. It was There that the battle belonged to the Lord. (1 Samuel 17:47, 2 Chronicles 20:15, Deuteronomy 20:4)


4  Zion (was the chosen residence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), it was more glorious than Babylon or Nineveh, Its excellence had a glory far more noble than that of its enemie’s Mountains Of Prey (kingdoms acquired by violence, murder, and robbery). (vs. !-4, ¹wcv&²)


¶ The Lord, Who does not change (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8), obviously longs to do the same for a Nation whose Foundation honors the Lord. He does, in turn, honor and bless those whose Hearts are the Dwelling Place of the Spirit of God on Earth, who ABIDE in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High, even if we are but a Remnant. Our currency does, indeed, still read, “In God We Trust”, however, we must remain FAITHFUL and we must remain VIGILANT, then, without fail….


The prideful, arrogant, blackhearted monocrats He will spoil, gone will be their wealth and their strength, the sleep of death will overcome them; their so-called blackhearted warriors (who blaspheme the Name of God)² will be shown to be nothin more than feeble and terrified. (¹wcv&²)


O Lord, at Your rebuke their horses of war will neigh no more, at Your command will the fearsome sound of the warring wheels of the wicked be silenced. For Death does indeed reside, O Lord, in every Word You speak against the wicked. (¹wcv&²)


How can mere men, chaff, and stubble stand before an All-Consuming-Fire such as You, O Lord, when Your anger is kindled but a little?² (Ps. 2:12, ¹wcv&²)


 When You, O Lord, cause Your judgement to be heard from heaven on our behalf, even the earth in quiet reverence does still itself. (¹wcv&²)


9  For you, O Lord have undeniably risen to judgement to hush the oppressor, still the rolling stones, and save the meek and lowly of the earth. (¹wcv&²)


10  The rage and malice of the most mighty persecutors, despots, and dictators shall be brought down, as always², to be nothing more than dust beneath Your feet. They have, unmistakeably², been shaken! And in the End, before descending into the abyss², they shall bow down before You and call You Lord² (for every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.²) (Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10)) (¹wcv&²)


11 We will gladly give to You, O Lord, what is Yours (praise, worship, and thanksgiving²) to honor You for Your great works. For You are, O Lord of Hosts, to be revered, feared, and sought after beyond measure.(¹wcv&²)


12  Like the mighty Cedars of Lebanon², the wrath of rulers never fails to fall when You put Your axe into their roots. (vs. 5-12, ¹wcv&2)

¶ Just as we rejoice today to see the Mighty Hand of God move on behalf of this Great Nation, so shall the whole earth rejoice when the Desire Of All Nations does appear. (Haggai 2:7, ¹wcv)

¶ Yes, our most Precious Desire of all must be Christ, our returning King, for to Christ, Our returning King, His most Precious Desire of all are the Souls of Men, for which His Great Desire is, that “not one should perish” but that ALL should come to REPENTANCE and be diligently looking and longing for the appearing of the Great Desire Of The Nations to split that Eastern Sky.(2 Peter 3:9, Haggai 2:7, Matthew 24:27,¹wcv&²)

¶ My Lord and my God, how these Ancient Scriptures do brighten my eyes and warm my heart?

1 Oh, let not your hearts be troubled: Believe in God, believe also in Me.


2 For in My Father’s house are many mansions: If it were not so I would have told you. Because it is so², I do, indeed², go to prepare a place for you.


3 And because I go to prepare a place for you, I will surely come again and take you with Me², so that where I am, you may also be. {for I long for you to be with Me}².  (¹wcv&²)


My Lord and my God, what must I do to get through to those who are rejecting you?

My Lord and my God, what must I do to get through all the fairy tales, fables, and misconceptions that the religious doctrines of men have spread abroad about You in order to justify themselves?

My Lord and my God, what must I do to convince them of Your Great Love for humanity?

My Lord and my God, what must I do to reveal to them Your Heart of Compassion for All Mankind?

My Lord and my God, what must I do to dispel all the lies the Father of Lies has woven into the Religious Doctrines of Men to make them ashamed of the Holy Spirit?

My Lord and my God, what must I do to share with them the wonderful Gift of Repentance and the following fellowship of the Indwelling Power of the Holy Spirit? They crave a sign for this and a sign for that, yet no sign will be given to them but the Sign of the prophet Jonah. (Matthew 12:13-42)

The Answer? PRAY!

“…For broad and beguiling² is the gate and wide and enticing² is the road that leads to destruction, and many are they that travel that old seductive turnpike in the pursuit of happiness². However, straight is the gate, and narrow is that rough old Heartworn Highway² that will take you to that SECRET PLACE, and ultimately to that City Not Made By Man², unfortunately², few find IT.” (Matthew 7:13,14, ¹wcv)

¶ Be it all as it may, the wonderful restoration of this nation that we are experiencing this very hour may be nothing less than one last opportunity laid out by Divine Providence to Bring In the Sheaves; to beseech as many souls as possible to kneel at the Foot of that Old Rugged Cross, REPENT of their sins, CONFESS with a whole and burning heart that they truly need Jesus Christ as their Lord, and BESEECH Him with all sincerity for the Baptism of His Indwelling Spirit that they may become “Partakers of His Great Grace thus enabling them to become Partakers of His Divine Nature, further enabling them to Dwell in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High and be Delivered out of the corruption of this present, evil world”. (2 Peter 1:4)

¶ For the closing of this age is certainly drawing down upon us that appointed time when the “Desire Of All Nations, shall surely appear…”

¶ It is, in the Summary of this Letter From Over Yonder, that the Lord has emphatically stated, in Chapter 7, Verses 6 through 9, in the Book of Haggai, that…

Once more, in a very little while, (I will shake not only the earth)², I will shake the heavens and the earth, the seas and the dry land;  I will remove everything (and everyone²) that can be shaken so that only what cannot be shaken shall remain, for I, the DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS, will have a Kingdom that cannot be moved. (Hebrews 12:26, 27)


I will shake (the desires)² of all the nations until the wicked hide themselves in the shadows and clefts of the rocks and the righteous rejoice². It is then that I, Jesus Christ², the DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS shall appear: And when I come, not only will fill I the earth with My Glory, I will fill the latter Temple, {the hearts of men}², with a Glory they have never known the likes of. The Glory of the Former will, in no way, compare to the Glory of the Latter (v.9), for the hearts of men will forever be the Temple of My Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19, ¹wcv&²) 


8  The silver, the gold, and the all precious stones are Mine², I AM the Lord of Hosts, I AM the Desire Of All Nations².


O, how the Glory of this latter house (the hearts of men) shall be far greater than the gold, the silver, and the precious stones of the former Temple, for I AM the Lord of the Armies of Heaven: And in this place I will establish Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men. (Luke 2:14) (vs. 6-9,¹wcv&²)

So, it is to the heathern, the harlot, the fencerider and the backslider, the great pretender and the sly offender, from the orphan to those that live in high towers; to the deceiver, believer, and the old inbetweener, all of which I myself have been at one time or another, well, except for the Harlot –  that I do employ, not out of a self-righteous, judgemental spirit, but out of a been-there-and-done-that spirit of loving concern, to the sinner and the saint, I do with all sincerity say, “Come into the SECRET PLACE of the Most High, for you will truly receive a welcome beyond your greatest expectations”.

Come out from among them while you’re able,  (2 Corinthians 6:17,18)

Do not mingle with them, they are dead,

And do not go a whorin’ with Delilah,

She’ll cut you locks and hang them on her bed.   


You’ll find yourself shackled, chained, and blind      (Judges 16:)

On the alter in Satan’s banquet hall,

Crying to the God of All Creation

For the strength to get back where you belong.

BLACK SWAN RISING by Will Callery ©William & Cynthia Pub. Co. ©2024 BMI


Comments are much appreciated and may be left in the “Comment Box” below

¹wcv / My Emphasis, My Version (Always taken from the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic interpretations, definitions, and connotations)

² / My Insert(s)

Letters From Over Yonder, The Deep Fetch, The Covenant, & Ain’t It So / published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co.©2024 {All Rights Reserved}


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