By Will Callery
September 22, 2024


Having, in the Birthright of the Spirit (Jn. 1:12, 2 Cor. 6:18, Gen. 25), passed through one of the major strongholds of the many quasi-Christian Utopias, which was, in Truth, but a Province of Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:5), I was greatly longing for some fellowship with the Truth, an honest, friendly face, and possibly, a hidden Lodge where Wayfaring Men like myself might catch forty-winks and glean some tranquility in this vast wilderness of harlotry that calls itself God and this vast no-man’s-land of godlessness that calls itself Civilized. (Jeremiah 9:2)

Spring had sprung and taken a major bite out of the Ides of March, and even though I was still out on that Old Heartworn Highway, up ahead, All of Creation began to feather-out-in-her-finest neath the Early Spring Showers of April,  formerly known as the Former Rains, birthing that Abounding Budding Forth and Cosmic Floral Display that does so garnish this region of God’s globe in the sunny, merry month of May as if the whole earth was Rising From the Dead. What a Testimony!  What a Witness to all mankind of the goodness of God. (Psalm 24).  From the towering bumbershoots of the Old Growth Forests to the boundless Green Pastures of Psalm Twenty-Three, from the lowly dandelion to the Mighty Oak, without saying a word, God spoke, “Move on through it all, Son, but not in haste, for up ahead, you may pass through Deep Waters and the hottest of Fire, and as for your mettle, it will be tested along with your motives and your desires. And that Red Badge of Courage? …well, it may flow from your veins on your journey to that City Not Made By The Hands Of Man. For just as it was in the Days of Noah, wickedness will abound beyond what the mind of a sane man can understand. Like Job, even the peerless shall be tried.  However, even in the Final Hours of the Last Days, know this about Me; “I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. I will, FOREVER, go out before you. Never, never, never take flight in fear nor haste, for I do, FOREVER, not only go out before you, I AM, without hesitation, your Rear Guard!!! The Glory of your Lord shall forever cover your six!” (Isaiah 5:12, Deuteronomy 31:8).  And so, because of the Spirit of God that wells up within me daily, shining brighter and brighter unto the arrival of that Perfect Day (Proverbs 4:18, John 12:35), I must say to the heathern, the Harlot, the lukewarm, the fence-rider, the backslider, the sinner, and the saint; to the Utopians, and Mysterious Babylonians alike (Revelation 17:5), ‘TO LIVE IS CHRIST, AND TO DIE IS GAIN’.” (Philippians 1:21) 

WHAT? TO DIE IS GAIN?  Oh yes, for those who are truly IN CHRIST it is but a shortcut to that City Not Made By The Hands Of Man! 

Nonetheless, the thought of knowing that somewhere on down this Old Heartworn Highway, I would, without a doubt, encounter the sweltering heat of the Dog Days of Summer drew down upon me an insatiable thirst for that River of Delights (Psalm 36:8, 46:4) that flows from the Throne of God. For like the sweltering humidity of the Dog Days of Summer, moving out of June, through July, and into August of the Year of Our Lord, 2024 AD, heavier than the charged atmosphere of the gathering storm, I could feel the ominous weight of wickedness building, as I witnessed thick, dark, low hung, black and blue rollers of insanity overwhelming the minds of men, breaching the rational with the bizarre, littering the boulevards and the backroads of their thought patterns with the rubbish, refuse, and filthy debris of everything from barbaric perversions to hopelessness, to illusions of grandeur, while all the while, they live out their delusions smack dab in the middle of the idyllic Handy Work of a GOD they do so hate. (Matthew 24:12) And yet, through the midst of it all, by the Grace of God, the invincible River of Delights still flows, carrying the only Water that will quench a man’s thirst in the hellish months ahead, which I refer to as the impending Mad-Dog-Days-of-Devils!

Looking into the unseen, I can clearly see, laying out there before me, amid God’s once virgin Handy Work, hellish days of tribulation burning with an Evil the likes of which no one on earth has ever seen before nor will we ever see again (Matthew 24:21), and unlike the Road to Emmaus, this Old Heartworn Highway runs right through ’em.

Between one of the provinces of Mystery Babylon and a vast domain known as the Gover’ment Plantation, “where the fish are jumpin’ and the cotton is high”, lies a beautiful Stretch of Deception known as the Valley of the Shadow, the Shadow of Death (Psalm 23:4), a place of dark enchantments through which, by the Grace of God, still flows, yes, the River of Delights, whose hidden whereabouts I discovered by enquiring of the Lord.

With no Lodge for the Wayfaring Man to be found, I bedded down for a few days along the River of Delights, drinking in the Promises of God before deciding to set out again, which I came into an agreement with myself that I would do so as soon as evening began to fall, for that ancient, august Ruler of August seemed as though he had not yet crossed that Celestial Equator on his journey South as he was supposed to have done on the twenty-second of the month, allowing the cooler temperament of his Sweet Sister, September, to BeFall us all with her majesty, splendor, and of course, her cool, and much more con-soul-ing disposition. Yet quite contrary to ordinary, as he can sometimes be, that obstinate Old Ruler of August just may not want to be dethroned. Who knows? Why could it even be that someone commanded him to “Stand Still” for a few weeks? (Joshua 10:12)

And so it was there, in the twilight of an unusually warm September evening that I began to sing a song unto the Lord neath the borrowed light of a Blue Harvest Moon before setting out into the night for that City Not Made By The Hands Of Man.

Give me a drink

From the River

Of Delights,

I am so thirsty!


My thirsty soul

like that Mighty


When she over

runs her banks,

Overflow my soul,

my thirsty soul.


Roll you Mighty River,

River of Delights,

Up from the fountains of the Deep

And down the Mountain Side.

From the Secret Place of Thunder

Where He stores the lightning strikes

Flows this Mighty River

My river of Delights


Like an Oak

Down by the River

I have withstood

The howling storms;

Lightning strikes,

Rollin’ Thunder,

Ungodly winds,

I never went under!

Hell and High Water

Shall not prevail

Over me or my soul,

My thirsty soul


Like the willows

By the watercourse,

Come on, spring up,

Lift up your voices.


Your thirsty souls,

Like that Mighty


With thanksgiving

For the River

Of Delights,

O my soul, My thirsty soul.


Roll you Mighty River,

River of Delights,

Up from the fountains of the Deep

And down the Mountain Side.

From the Secret Place of Thunder

Where He stores the lightning strikes

Flows this Mighty River

My river of Delights       {River of Delights ©Will Callery}

“Nice Song, man. I hope you can sing it when the goin’ gets tough, because as majestic as it gets this time a year, It gets right ugly on up the road a ways! By the way, ain’t you a bit up in years to be out on this Old Heartworn Highway alone? You are aware of the impending storms, the rumors of war, the perverse insanity, and the violence that lies up ahead, are you not? And just who is that you seem to be conversing with in song?”

Of all things, I had crossed paths with an expatriate who had escaped imprisonment over a fray he was involved in concerning conflicting ideologies with the Fuehrer of the Gover’ment Plantation. He was heading back to what he thought was a safe haven, MYSTERY BABYLON, to secure for himself a bit of Religion, you know, just in case. He was traveling light at night because someone had “turned up the heat” on the Gover’ment Plantation.

I offered him a drink from the River of Delights but his reaction was, “O NO! NO! NO! NO! I don’t drink from that River. No one around here drinks from THAT RIVER!”

“Why not?”, I replied. “It runs right through here and it is as pristine as the Source from which it flows.”

“The folks in this Valley would not drink the Water from out of that so-called River of Delights for all the Bourbon in Kentucky or the Gold in Fort Knox. They say it will “CHANGE” them on the spot, in the twinkling of an eye, and they’ll have to give up too many of the things they do so dearly love. We’ve seen it with our own eyes!”

“The ones who do drink out of that River immediately raise their hands in praise to the Lord and begin praying in a Language no one knows, a Tongue unknown to any. Then like Abraham, they get out of Babylon and are seen no more in this beautiful Valley of Shadows, even though it is called the Valley of the Shadow of Death, we love it. It’s ENCHANTED! Everyone who lives here is absolutely BEGUILED by it. However, those who dare to drink from that River, just like Old Abraham, strike out for an imaginary Land of Promise having no idea where they’re headed. Why, we never see ’em again. No sir, I don’t drink from that River.

I said, “What’s your name, my man?” He replied, “Onesimus”. He went on to enlighten me about the current nature of his predicament, saying,  “They took my holdings, confiscated my land, deceived my wife, brainwashed my sons, corrupted my daughters, and cast me into nothing less than what I would call slavery and told me that I was gonna “Whistle Dixie” till the day I died. I just can’t understand it, the Gover’ment Plantation used to be a lovely place, the fish were jumpin’, the cotton was high and you didn’t have to Whistle Dixie unless you wanted to, I mean, I was Livin’ the Dream!

“Being former military, and decorated to boot, I cut myself loose and struck out under the cover of darkness. I’m beginning to get the feeling that what’s happening around here is not natural. These adversaries of mankind seem to be inundated with a terrifying dark power as if they just crawled up out of the abyss. I mean, I’ve seen the face of war before, but I’ve never seen anything like this. I can’t help but feel like there’s somethin’ uncanny going on here.”

I said, “Sit down here, Onesimus, and let me tell you about this Friend of mine.”


“First off, I didn’t get this far down this Old Heartworn Highway following cleverly devised fables, old wives’ tales, and religious doctrines made up by men, which is about all, all of that Religion back there in Mystery Babylon amounts to.”

“Onesimus, consider this; If there is a Dark Satanic Realm, far more formidable in power than anything in the Natural Realm, which you seemed to have just fallen prey to, would it not stand to reason that there is also a Godly Realm of Power Unspeakable Whose attributes are Love, Light, and Peace, not to mention Judgement!  If this is so, would it not be a given, that if we who live here on earth in the Realm of the Natural have access to one, would we not also have access to the other, or, if we do so choose, to neither?”

“Then think about this, If those who make a covenant with Evil to access its supernatural power so that they may ruthlessly rule over, even kill, steal, and destroy those who simply desire to live in the Natural Realm, would it not be so that we who desire to do so, may also access the Godly Realm, to likewise, be endowed with “Its” Power.”

“And so, when it’s all said and done, If those who covenant with Evil are, in turn, possessed by its demonic spirit,  would it not also be so that those who Covenant with God are, in turn, empowered by His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, of which Evil is terrified.”

“Now, considering all of this, would you?… or would you not?… …agree – that those who choose to live in the Natural Realm, who believe in neither of the other two realms, are, indeed, easy pickin’s for those who possess the superior powers of evil, after all, are they not the ones who brainwashed your wife, corrupted you daughters, confounded your sons and put you in chains?  Could it be possible that they did this by using evil to do good, and good to do evil? Tricky!”

“Now, Onesimus, consider this one closely; the Adversary of Evil, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit will not put anyone in chains, nor will He force Himself on anyone. He will not violate your Free Will. He is For Us, not Against us! However, He leaves the CHOICE up to us. The choice is ours. Unlike Evil, He will NOT violate our Free Will!”

‘Evil, on the other hand, comes forcibly for nothing less than to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10), not only to dominate the earth and decimate mankind but also to shanghai the eternal souls of men by setting them one against the other. The Evil One does this by sowing into the Hearts of men the seeds of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the jealous, coveting Pride of Life, (2 Thessalonians 2:9-11)…whose purpose, when accomplished, breeds nothing less than greed, contention, strife, and war. (James 4:1-4)   Evil then sits back, amused at the stupidity of man, and enjoys the Revival, the Devil’s Revival!

“Onesimus, the very ones from whom you have just escaped are the very ones who are of their father the devil. And like their father, they LOVE EVIL. Know this, their father was from the beginning, a liar and a murderer, and there is no Truth in him. He “is”  sheer EVIL!  He is, in spirit and in deed, the Father of Lies, Beelzebub himself.  He is not called Lord of the Flies and Father of Lies for nothing. (John 8:44, Matthew 13:38)  I am here to tell you, Onesimus, if you believe you cannot be deceived, you are already deceived!”

“Onesimus, I didn’t get eighty years on down this Old Heartworn Highway following cleverly devised fables, old wives tales, religious doctrines of men, or by succumbing to any of the Dead Religions of Mystery Babylon that have a form of godliness but deny the POWER of God. They may be Religious to the Core, but they deny the  POWER of GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT!   Although many say they don’t, they Love the THINGS of this Present, Evil World.  When it comes to treading on serpents and scorpions they are POWERLESS and INCAPABLE. (Luke 10:19)  They are capable of one thing only; casting tokens, worth no more than a wooden nickel, at the Feet of Jesus as they go along their way. Neither did I get this far by just living in the neutral Realm of the Natural and denying it all. (2 Timothy 3:5-7) Onesimus, without the HOLY SPIRIT and the Hand of Divine Intervention working throughout my life, in real-time, I would not be here today talking to you.”

“My dear friend, you are caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, between the Deceiver who rules the Gover’ment Plantation and the powerless Religiosity of Mystery Babylon. You, my friend, are at bay in the Vallery of Decision: Beguiled in the Valley of the Shadow of Death! You see, you and I, Onesimus, have been caught up in the final collision of Good and Evil!

“Now, I don’t know where to go with this from here, for it is here that we are, and it is from here that we must move on. So I’ll say this; The direction you head out in, from here, Onesimus, is up to you. However, if you allow the Holy Spirit to show you a Road you cannot yet see, He would be elated to steer you clear of any further captivity.”

“How in the world can that be?”

“Well, Onesimus, it goes like this”,

“Jesus Christ Himself said, “I AM THE WAY (out), the Truth, and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (John 14:6)  Onesimus, Jesus Christ is the Only Way out of this (natural) Present, Evil World. ALL POWER in the Realm of the SPIRIT of GOD comes from Him. His great desire is to show you the Road to Freedom, “to show you the plans that He has for you. His will is to prosper you, not to harm you – to give you hope and a future, (right now)” (Jeremiah 29:11).  If you are so inclined I will pray for you, right now, that Jesus Christ will Come In, illuminate your Heart, and be the LORD of your life, and that He will, if you are so inclined, right now, dispel all fear by Baptizing you with the INDWELLING POWER of His HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE  so that you, my friend, might drink freely from the River of Delights (Revelation 22:17), which, in turn, will reveal His plans for your life, that is, if you are so inclined, for He will not violate your Free Will. But I must warn you, Onesimus, you can not serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24)  the Lord will settle for nothing less than your Whole Heart, and if you truly give Him your Whole Heart, I promise you, you will have found a Friend that sticks closer than a brother throughout the remainder of this age and the unending ages of eternity. (Proverbs 18:24,17:17)

For who Christ sets free is free indeed! (John 8:36) And, if we stick as close to Him as He will to us (James 4:8), we will never be taken captive by the spooning charms of a stunning Harlot Riding on the Back of a Beast, nor will we fall prey to the flattery of the Fancy Fables of the Flesh, or allow our imaginations to elope with Jewish Fables (Titus 1:14), nor be made merchandise of by the overwhelming multitude of false prophets spinning Old Wives Tales (sorcery).  For the Holy Spirit is a REVEALER of false prophets and false Christs. Furthermore, He will REVEAL ALL of Satan’s Covert Agents, from Religious Megalomaniacs to deadly Angels of Light, right on down to the decent of the willingly stupid, ( the moros), who are taken to the cleaners time and time again by the award-winning theatrics of self-promoting hirelings, false prophets, and fleecer’s of the flock, who come in Sheep’s Clothing to do nothing less than kill, steal, and destroy while making merchandise of the naive and the gullible… (2 Peter 2:3)

A bit puzzled, Onesimus looked me dead in the eye and said, “What are you, man? Are you some kind of prophet, one of those famous apostles, or something?”

“No, Onesimus, I don’t have a title. I’m just a man that God has been very, very good to.”

Looking me square in the eye with all the sincerity I have ever seen muster in a man, Onesimus said, “Would you please pray for me?” 

I replied, “Onesimus, My Brother, my Brother, my Brother, lift up your eyes beyond those hills from which comes your help,(Psalm 121) – (beyond all of the hoopla in the realm of the natural) – and you will see the Road out of here where stands Christ, and CHRIST ALONE, the Master Builder of our final destination (1 Corinthians 3:10), that CITY NOT MADE BY THE HANDS OF MAN. (Psalm 46:4,5, Hebrews 11:10, 2 Corinthians 5:1, Mark 14:5)

Onesimus, m’ man, I want you to know that, in the newly shed Light of the Divine Providence of the Lord IN WHICH YOU AND I ARE STANDING, RIGHT NOW, you and I have, unbeknownst until now, been brothers since the Day We Were Born. We are, indeed, Brothers in the Birthright of the Spirit of God, chosen to be so by the Lord Himself before the foundations of this earth were ever laid, for we have just fulfilled the Will of God. (Ephesians 1:4) …and though we will soon Inherit the Earth, (Matthew 5:5) this very Present Evil Mess is not our home. You see, my Friend, you also are a Wayfarin’ Stranger, and we are, as laid out by Divine Providence, BROTHERS FOREVER! 

C’mon, Onesimus, let’s sing unto the Lord!

I ain’t no long lost traveler,

I ain’t no pilgrim passin’ thru,

I am my Father’s son,

Faithful, tried, and true.

I have the goods to take this ground.

I am my Father’s son,

And I will meet you over yonder

When it’s all said and done,

When this thing is said and done.   {excerpt / The Stake / ©will callery 2008 BMI}



If we could only grasp the depth, the breath, and the height of His Great Love for us, we would lay down our antics to spend every waking moment with Him. “For eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, nor can the heart of man even imagine the wonderful things God has prepared for those who truly Love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9, ¹&²wcv) 

To discover the depth of the message, you must look into the Scriptures of this “Post”.

God will bless each and every one of you who reads this and takes it to Heart!!!


Comments are much appreciated and may be left in the “Comment Box” below

¹wcv / My Emphasis, My Version (Always taken from the Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic interpretations, definitions, and connotations)

² / My Insert(s)

Letters From Over Yonder, The Deep Fetch, The Covenant, & Ain’t It So / published by William & Cynthia Pub. Co.©2024 {All Rights Reserved}



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