The Field of Carried Answers

♥THE FIELD OF CARRIED ANSWERS♥ There is a Field of Carried Answers The Lord is moving through; Fertile fields of faithful hearts That have been sown into.   Planted in the souls of men, For ages they have slept; Precious Seeds of Promise, Yearning to be...

They Ain’t Here No More

"THEY AIN'T HERE NO MORE" When all the chapters have been written, When all the Swan Songs have been sung, When the sun goes down to rise no more On what does not belong,   When all the Masters of Cozenage, Double-Dutch, and woe, Have been gathered  - with...

The Outshining

UNTO US, A CHILD IS BORN The Prophecy: ¶ "All of those who have lived and do live in the dark and daunting shadows of this present evil world have seen a Great Outshining. Upon all those who wander about lost in the land of the shifting shadows of lies, fear,...

All In Time

A Thousand Years in Your sight are but as yesterday when spent, nothing more to You than a watch in the night. (Psalm 90:4,¹wcv&²) ¶ Looking back through eighty years of humanity here on earth, still, decked out by the Grace of God in the finest of fettle age...

The Twelfth of Never

Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You fashioned the earth, before You set the world in motion, from EVERLASTING to EVERLASTING, You have been forever and until the TWELFTH Of NEVER² will forever be, Almighty GOD. {Psalm 90:2,1}  <<A Prayer of...


                                                                     ♥ INTERCESSION ♥   ¶ Consider Jamestown, May 14th, 1607. Consider the Berkeley Hundred, December 4th, 1619. Consider Plymouth Rock, December 22nd, 1620. Consider the Revolutionary War, April...


♠ MASTERS OF COZENAGE ♠ To give some color to this age-old, Black & White Picture of "Painting" a good, honest, sincere, and Godly person with various shades of fraud, hypocrisy, malfeasance, sleaze, and lechery, is a ruse whose "Sleight of Hand" lurked about...


♥ I BELIEVE WE HAVE LONG FORGOTTEN WHO PLANTED THIS VINYARD ♥ You know, that Guy that leased out this VINYARD has been gone for a long time. Our ancestors claimed they knew Him right well, and several generations back they shut everything down on Sundays in honor...

Mystery Babylon


Acts 2:17  And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: ¶ However, the Word also...